Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Hi, yuh crazy msp ppl :D
Cheese is the best topic to talk about! LOOK:

Keep mucnching on that cheese like a mouse, purplex777 ;)
Rosie x

Thursday, 13 December 2012


Ok, i just want to mention some special (underline, special) people: 

All my blog viewers..all my msp friends, every1 on msp

Natalia is so sweet...she made an artbook telling ppl to look at my blog
IcyCola gave me good advice on boys
Chanel is my bezzie, shes like an identical twin to me
Abbey is soo nice nd caring <3

Rosie x

Monday, 19 November 2012

Bullies at the mall...

Hey....this isnt saying that everyone who goes to the mall is a bully, there was just some conflict that happend there. Soo.... let me start:
I went to the mall, nd walked into an empyt space. This girl called xX Aimee Xx (i think) moved ryt behind me. Then she sed "Oi" i was like "who are yuh talking to?" nd she sed "move it now" < she didnt use any manners at all. So i sed "why dont yuh say it nicely?" nd she just kept saying move it. Nd her sister was there too, nd she told me to move. A couple of other girls told me to move nd i sed "i was here first?" Then that Aimee girl sed that her dad died of cancer nd i sed "my friend's mum died of cancer too" nd her sister sed "rose is making fun of us because our father died" when all i sed was that my friends mum died of cancer? Nd then Aimee sed i was being mean when i had sed nothing. She started calling me ugly nd fat, nd one of the girls sed i was a pig. They sed they were filming it on youtube nd they sed that everyone will see wat a bully i am....i sed "no they'll see wat bullies yuh are" nd they kept saying "go oink oink for us piggy" i felt really upset. Then finally Aimee moved nd i sed "it wasnt so hard was it?" nd she called me lazy. Also, one of the girls sed i was smelly. Some of my friends came to the mall nd started sticking up for me. Then Aimee sed i sent her a pm saying "go die in a whole" when i dont say that. My friends told her to stop making fibs up, nd she was saying that its true, when it wasnt. Then Aimee sed she pm saying sorry but i checked nd she didnt. I was like "yuh havent apolidgized yet" nd she sed she doesnt say sorry if she wasnt mean. But she was. I wished i'd filmed the whole thing to show yuh guys PROOF.
Rose48 x
Ps: Plz stop bullying, ive been bullied all my life nd its horrible.

War...I think?

Ok, so recently on the forums there has been many forums made like "VIPs think they are it" "VIPs suck" "VIPs think they are the boss of msp" nd apprently VIPs have been saying nasty things about non VIPs on the VIP forum (thats wat i heard anyways) so i'm just sick of it! We are all equal! ishacool is just the same as a lvl 0 whose just started, im the same as a lvl 14 VIP, we are all equal no matter wat. So it'd be nice if all this nonsense went away, because there's no point in it REALLY...
Rosie x


We were having a flash mob at California cafe! Everyone was dancing LOL! Btw the other 2 ppl next to me at the front were dancing too

Monday, 27 August 2012


Hello my fellow moviestars!
Well, I've been bullied alot recently on msp. I expressed my opinion about Camada nd i also sed that she was bullying me nd i listed things she called me:
I have bad taste
Nd then ppl started hating me, i felt so upset, they didnt respect my opinion! One girl sed she was gunna cry to her pillow coz of my opinion, even though i dont know her nd it didnt involve her. My opinion nevah offended anyone. I also asked Camada to stop bullying.
That girl who sed she was gunna cry to her pillow has blocked me nd sed i was being mean nd bullying her. So i asked her wat i done mean to her nd she made up an excuse. It was a bit like this:
Yuh know wat? I aint gunna say anything else coz i dont wanna make a long story short. I dont wanna argue anymore so im not gunna look at yur comments Rose.
She sed summit like that anyways. Obviously that shows that i wasnt mean to her at all. So plz dont hate me!
Rosie x

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Spamming (GRR)

Ppl find it annoying. Nd when yuh keep posting
♥Pink and Yellow Potatoes♥
It starts to get really annoying. I told ppl to stop, but all i got was hate. Nd sum1 got called boring for saying its not funny!!! Thats mean, coz ppl find different things funny. I dont think its funny
Plus, its agenst the rules. It says on the list of rules:
Dont harrass or annoy other members on MovieStarPlanet
Nd those ppl who kept posting the potatoes thing were annoying ppl. I reported some of the ppl for doing it. It tells yuh to report ppl if they do summit agenst the rules nd thats agenst the rules!
I also got a message from Camada (the one who started the pink nd yellow potatoes) nd it sed that i shudnt be mean nd i shud be random or summit then ppl wont hate me they'll love me.
I can be random, nd i aint that mean. I only get harsh when i get annoyed. I have a temper!
Camada, yuh better say sorry, that message offended me.
Rosie x


I'm starting to get haters!!! Just like on Kynlee (that was one of the reasons why i deleted Kynlee)
I just wanna be left alone nd happy! But i cant ever get that, not in real, not on msp either :(
Rosie :'(

Monday, 13 August 2012

Need to Say this...

Anonymous never did hack MSP. The hacker of MSP claimed to be part of Anonymous. Anonymous have called the MSP hacker a coward, nd said they are enemies with the hacker. Anonymous only hack governmental websites, they say that they would never hack a childrens' website.

I think Anonymous wants the MSP hacker to show their real face. I do too x


Hey Moviestars :)
I've been thinking, that yuh guyz only know the MSP me. But yuh shud meet the REAL me. So, i'm going to be introducing yuh to Courtney, not Rose.
Rose is a beautiful moviestar with lots of friends. She is very kind but hidden. She is also quite shy and doesnt chat with many other moviestars.
Courtney is ok looking (i guess). She isn't very popular, but tries to "fit in" with everyone else. She is also quite clever, but doesn't have much confidence.
The similarities between Rose nd Courtney are that they're both random.
So, peace out ;)

My computer got unlocked!

Hurray! :D
Lol thats all i gotta say really

Sunday, 12 August 2012

My Computer Got Locked Out Of Msp

My sister was just logging in, then summit popped up (that picture i just posted) so i tried to log in my account, but it said the same thing! NOW I CANT GET ON MSP! I dont know wat me or my sis has done, i watch my sis on msp, she doesnt break the rules. I dont either! WAT DID I DO TO YUH, MSP???

Friday, 27 July 2012

For Yur Information...

The picture of that conversation was with ishacool nd kirarox. Ppl say its fake. Well i told Kira meh email address she emialed me the full screen shot but i cutted all of it out accept for the conversation.

Poor Kira was hacked by ishacool, i believe her, but not many did. Ppl were being nasty to her nd calling her names, which made her.

Ive known Kira for ages. On my old account (Kynlee) we were friends. She told me how much she loved MSP, how awshum it was. But then yesterday she sent me a message on MSP saying that she loves MSP but ppl are being mean to her so she wanted to quit.

Other ppl have sed im kirarox. Well no, im not. Im not some saddo who pretends to be other ppl. I have another account, but thats where i film things about MSP nd how to do stuff on MSP. Its only to help ppl. I aint Kira. No way am I.

That conersation is real. I deleted the picture nd email after i put it on here. Kira told me she cant email me it agen coz shes deleted herself nd she said shes sorry that she cant take it agen.

Nd i now get the abuse. But its died down now. So there yuh have it.
Rosie is OUT x

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Havent posted for agez!

Well, hello! Here are some facts about meh in real:
My name is Courtney
Im 12 yrs old
I live in England (not giving yuh any more info where i live >.< well i do live in a house but...)
Im moving home soon anyways
Nd on msp im VIP for 1 month (got it for meh bday) Msp has not long been hacked by Anonymous (a group of hackers) nd yeh i came THIRD in the Neon Sorbet comp! Yay
From Rosie x

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Hey agen

Im losing a bff this minute. Here's the story WHY

A week ago, she was doing her usual thing, messing about on Minecraft (shes like ADDICTED to it nd i dont have it) Then she met sum English girl on Minecraft called Emily (we alll live in England) Nd then for all the nights to this night, my bff has been ignoring me. She says "Im too busy on Minecraft with Emily" or "Chatting to Emily". Now she is saying this Emily is her bff, nd she hasnt even met this Emily!! So now we're arguing :( Ive known my bff for like 5 years :'(

I am not lying im really upset now i dont wanna lose my bff to sum1 who cud actually be a 40 yr old man PRETENDING to be sum1 called Emily!
Meet my waterful of tears,
Rosie :(

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Hi agen!
Yes im posting alot tonyt!
Well i have seen alot of complaints about my blog coz of all my opinions on it!
Its my blog yuh cant just tell me wat i can nd cannot post!
If yuh hate my opinion, dont read my blog!
Dont go trashing me nd being mean to me coz of my opinions!
Keep reading my blog posts (if yur not going to COMPLAIN)
Rosie xoxo

Rude movies nd stories!

Hey its Rose (who yuh probz hate for saying my opinions)

This time im posting COZ of the amount of rude stories/movies.
Yes they are all over the forums of msp!

They shud stop! I mean yeh, every1 is gunna find out about these rude things, but lil kids go on msp nd if they see it they will ask their mum then their mum will ask "where did yuh get that from?" then the kids will say MSP nd then the mum will ban them! Yes, that means Net Mums will come back!

Cud we plz try to stop this? I mean, msp cud get shut down nd we dont want that! Nd small kids cud get into trouble nd banned from msp! That means LESS users!

I hope yuh understand,
Rosie xD

This figh over Short movies

Yuh myt all hate me for this but... i hate them!
Why? Well....
1. I spend my time to make good movies but no1 watches them coz they are too lazy nd watch short movies for sc! So i waste my time >.<
2. Its sorta cheating, coz most of the lvl 20's USE them nd it isnt fair on ppl who make good movies. Its harder for them to lvl up coz of these silly short babyish boring lame movies!!! (yeh im angry so im saying alot of hate words)
Its my opinion so dont go hating me for saying it! Nd yeh it does mean yur lazy im not trying to be mean but it DOES!
Keep smelling those roses,
Rosie xx

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Hey its Rosie x
Ok ive seen alot about bullying lately on MSP nd i dont like the look of it
There's so much bullying going on, not just on MSP but at schools nd diffo website nd stuff.
I wish it cud stop, since i get bullied at my school :(
Plz stop bullying its not nice ive been cyber bullied tons of times its really upsetting i felt like murdering myself :(
Put a stop to it now x

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

1st post

I was Kynlee BUT i deleted her!
My bffz: Raxtar, Hotstuff45454 and Chanel12345
Bf: Dommnic
Yehh.... well actually i find it easier being Rose than Kynlee.
Keep eating cookies,