Wednesday 22 August 2012

Spamming (GRR)

Ppl find it annoying. Nd when yuh keep posting
♥Pink and Yellow Potatoes♥
It starts to get really annoying. I told ppl to stop, but all i got was hate. Nd sum1 got called boring for saying its not funny!!! Thats mean, coz ppl find different things funny. I dont think its funny
Plus, its agenst the rules. It says on the list of rules:
Dont harrass or annoy other members on MovieStarPlanet
Nd those ppl who kept posting the potatoes thing were annoying ppl. I reported some of the ppl for doing it. It tells yuh to report ppl if they do summit agenst the rules nd thats agenst the rules!
I also got a message from Camada (the one who started the pink nd yellow potatoes) nd it sed that i shudnt be mean nd i shud be random or summit then ppl wont hate me they'll love me.
I can be random, nd i aint that mean. I only get harsh when i get annoyed. I have a temper!
Camada, yuh better say sorry, that message offended me.
Rosie x

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