Monday 27 August 2012


Hello my fellow moviestars!
Well, I've been bullied alot recently on msp. I expressed my opinion about Camada nd i also sed that she was bullying me nd i listed things she called me:
I have bad taste
Nd then ppl started hating me, i felt so upset, they didnt respect my opinion! One girl sed she was gunna cry to her pillow coz of my opinion, even though i dont know her nd it didnt involve her. My opinion nevah offended anyone. I also asked Camada to stop bullying.
That girl who sed she was gunna cry to her pillow has blocked me nd sed i was being mean nd bullying her. So i asked her wat i done mean to her nd she made up an excuse. It was a bit like this:
Yuh know wat? I aint gunna say anything else coz i dont wanna make a long story short. I dont wanna argue anymore so im not gunna look at yur comments Rose.
She sed summit like that anyways. Obviously that shows that i wasnt mean to her at all. So plz dont hate me!
Rosie x

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