Hey....this isnt saying that everyone who goes to the mall is a bully, there was just some conflict that happend there. Soo.... let me start:
I went to the mall, nd walked into an empyt space. This girl called xX Aimee Xx (i think) moved ryt behind me. Then she sed "Oi" i was like "who are yuh talking to?" nd she sed "move it now" < she didnt use any manners at all. So i sed "why dont yuh say it nicely?" nd she just kept saying move it. Nd her sister was there too, nd she told me to move. A couple of other girls told me to move nd i sed "i was here first?" Then that Aimee girl sed that her dad died of cancer nd i sed "my friend's mum died of cancer too" nd her sister sed "rose is making fun of us because our father died" when all i sed was that my friends mum died of cancer? Nd then Aimee sed i was being mean when i had sed nothing. She started calling me ugly nd fat, nd one of the girls sed i was a pig. They sed they were filming it on youtube nd they sed that everyone will see wat a bully i am....i sed "no they'll see wat bullies yuh are" nd they kept saying "go oink oink for us piggy" i felt really upset. Then finally Aimee moved nd i sed "it wasnt so hard was it?" nd she called me lazy. Also, one of the girls sed i was smelly. Some of my friends came to the mall nd started sticking up for me. Then Aimee sed i sent her a pm saying "go die in a whole" when i dont say that. My friends told her to stop making fibs up, nd she was saying that its true, when it wasnt. Then Aimee sed she pm saying sorry but i checked nd she didnt. I was like "yuh havent apolidgized yet" nd she sed she doesnt say sorry if she wasnt mean. But she was. I wished i'd filmed the whole thing to show yuh guys PROOF.
Rose48 x
Ps: Plz stop bullying, ive been bullied all my life nd its horrible.
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