Wednesday 6 June 2012

Rude movies nd stories!

Hey its Rose (who yuh probz hate for saying my opinions)

This time im posting COZ of the amount of rude stories/movies.
Yes they are all over the forums of msp!

They shud stop! I mean yeh, every1 is gunna find out about these rude things, but lil kids go on msp nd if they see it they will ask their mum then their mum will ask "where did yuh get that from?" then the kids will say MSP nd then the mum will ban them! Yes, that means Net Mums will come back!

Cud we plz try to stop this? I mean, msp cud get shut down nd we dont want that! Nd small kids cud get into trouble nd banned from msp! That means LESS users!

I hope yuh understand,
Rosie xD

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