Monday, 27 August 2012


Hello my fellow moviestars!
Well, I've been bullied alot recently on msp. I expressed my opinion about Camada nd i also sed that she was bullying me nd i listed things she called me:
I have bad taste
Nd then ppl started hating me, i felt so upset, they didnt respect my opinion! One girl sed she was gunna cry to her pillow coz of my opinion, even though i dont know her nd it didnt involve her. My opinion nevah offended anyone. I also asked Camada to stop bullying.
That girl who sed she was gunna cry to her pillow has blocked me nd sed i was being mean nd bullying her. So i asked her wat i done mean to her nd she made up an excuse. It was a bit like this:
Yuh know wat? I aint gunna say anything else coz i dont wanna make a long story short. I dont wanna argue anymore so im not gunna look at yur comments Rose.
She sed summit like that anyways. Obviously that shows that i wasnt mean to her at all. So plz dont hate me!
Rosie x

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Spamming (GRR)

Ppl find it annoying. Nd when yuh keep posting
♥Pink and Yellow Potatoes♥
It starts to get really annoying. I told ppl to stop, but all i got was hate. Nd sum1 got called boring for saying its not funny!!! Thats mean, coz ppl find different things funny. I dont think its funny
Plus, its agenst the rules. It says on the list of rules:
Dont harrass or annoy other members on MovieStarPlanet
Nd those ppl who kept posting the potatoes thing were annoying ppl. I reported some of the ppl for doing it. It tells yuh to report ppl if they do summit agenst the rules nd thats agenst the rules!
I also got a message from Camada (the one who started the pink nd yellow potatoes) nd it sed that i shudnt be mean nd i shud be random or summit then ppl wont hate me they'll love me.
I can be random, nd i aint that mean. I only get harsh when i get annoyed. I have a temper!
Camada, yuh better say sorry, that message offended me.
Rosie x


I'm starting to get haters!!! Just like on Kynlee (that was one of the reasons why i deleted Kynlee)
I just wanna be left alone nd happy! But i cant ever get that, not in real, not on msp either :(
Rosie :'(

Monday, 13 August 2012

Need to Say this...

Anonymous never did hack MSP. The hacker of MSP claimed to be part of Anonymous. Anonymous have called the MSP hacker a coward, nd said they are enemies with the hacker. Anonymous only hack governmental websites, they say that they would never hack a childrens' website.

I think Anonymous wants the MSP hacker to show their real face. I do too x


Hey Moviestars :)
I've been thinking, that yuh guyz only know the MSP me. But yuh shud meet the REAL me. So, i'm going to be introducing yuh to Courtney, not Rose.
Rose is a beautiful moviestar with lots of friends. She is very kind but hidden. She is also quite shy and doesnt chat with many other moviestars.
Courtney is ok looking (i guess). She isn't very popular, but tries to "fit in" with everyone else. She is also quite clever, but doesn't have much confidence.
The similarities between Rose nd Courtney are that they're both random.
So, peace out ;)

My computer got unlocked!

Hurray! :D
Lol thats all i gotta say really

Sunday, 12 August 2012

My Computer Got Locked Out Of Msp

My sister was just logging in, then summit popped up (that picture i just posted) so i tried to log in my account, but it said the same thing! NOW I CANT GET ON MSP! I dont know wat me or my sis has done, i watch my sis on msp, she doesnt break the rules. I dont either! WAT DID I DO TO YUH, MSP???