Monday, 19 November 2012

Bullies at the mall...

Hey....this isnt saying that everyone who goes to the mall is a bully, there was just some conflict that happend there. Soo.... let me start:
I went to the mall, nd walked into an empyt space. This girl called xX Aimee Xx (i think) moved ryt behind me. Then she sed "Oi" i was like "who are yuh talking to?" nd she sed "move it now" < she didnt use any manners at all. So i sed "why dont yuh say it nicely?" nd she just kept saying move it. Nd her sister was there too, nd she told me to move. A couple of other girls told me to move nd i sed "i was here first?" Then that Aimee girl sed that her dad died of cancer nd i sed "my friend's mum died of cancer too" nd her sister sed "rose is making fun of us because our father died" when all i sed was that my friends mum died of cancer? Nd then Aimee sed i was being mean when i had sed nothing. She started calling me ugly nd fat, nd one of the girls sed i was a pig. They sed they were filming it on youtube nd they sed that everyone will see wat a bully i am....i sed "no they'll see wat bullies yuh are" nd they kept saying "go oink oink for us piggy" i felt really upset. Then finally Aimee moved nd i sed "it wasnt so hard was it?" nd she called me lazy. Also, one of the girls sed i was smelly. Some of my friends came to the mall nd started sticking up for me. Then Aimee sed i sent her a pm saying "go die in a whole" when i dont say that. My friends told her to stop making fibs up, nd she was saying that its true, when it wasnt. Then Aimee sed she pm saying sorry but i checked nd she didnt. I was like "yuh havent apolidgized yet" nd she sed she doesnt say sorry if she wasnt mean. But she was. I wished i'd filmed the whole thing to show yuh guys PROOF.
Rose48 x
Ps: Plz stop bullying, ive been bullied all my life nd its horrible.

War...I think?

Ok, so recently on the forums there has been many forums made like "VIPs think they are it" "VIPs suck" "VIPs think they are the boss of msp" nd apprently VIPs have been saying nasty things about non VIPs on the VIP forum (thats wat i heard anyways) so i'm just sick of it! We are all equal! ishacool is just the same as a lvl 0 whose just started, im the same as a lvl 14 VIP, we are all equal no matter wat. So it'd be nice if all this nonsense went away, because there's no point in it REALLY...
Rosie x


We were having a flash mob at California cafe! Everyone was dancing LOL! Btw the other 2 ppl next to me at the front were dancing too