Hello ppl...itsh Rosie.
last night..well was just weird.
I watched Agent Cody Banks new series he gave me my whole wishy nd then some dude called - Aaron - started being mean so we all stuck up for him:
Btw Cody's real name is Aaron..
Anyways, - Aaron - blocked us all buh we all had a really ncie convo on his guestbook:
Me, Cody, princess770, Alizaeh, ilovebling2017, black cherry, nd some others buh forgot their names :o One had Lexy in it...
Still, we learnt alot about each other xx
Friday, 19 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
OMG the biggest fight on msp Yet!
Didn't think Rosie Roo also had questions nd answers? Well um YES I DO! I flippin' do! Omg ive been buzzing since last night to post how i feel about this mega fight! Nd ino wat blog has set this off...buh ino Candired does not like to name that blog so i aint either, buh yuh probz can guess anyways! Im literally buzzing nd steaming, i cud go all Chris Jericho
Isha, see wat yur blog is doing to poor Candired? Btw, before yuh even think about it, Candi didnt blackmail me to do this. No1 can blackmail me, not ever. Im very stubborn. Yuh moan on yur blog about yur feelings, and etc etc, yet, do yuh not think about others? We all have feelings, including Candired. So um yeh. If any1 is wondering wat has upset Candi, poor poor Candi, take a look at some of the things on that blog, huh? Go on.
Isha, see wat yur blog is doing to poor Candired? Btw, before yuh even think about it, Candi didnt blackmail me to do this. No1 can blackmail me, not ever. Im very stubborn. Yuh moan on yur blog about yur feelings, and etc etc, yet, do yuh not think about others? We all have feelings, including Candired. So um yeh. If any1 is wondering wat has upset Candi, poor poor Candi, take a look at some of the things on that blog, huh? Go on.
Isha, yur jumping to conclusions even before yuh know the truth!
If yuh cannot read that, click to enlarge. Same with this one:
The pain and hardship Candi has put yuh thru? Wat about the pain nd hardship yuh've put her thru? Doesnt that not count? Yuh seem to think that yuh are the only thing that matters. Well, yur NOT. We all matter. Tbh, i think yuh probz started on Candi maybe because...she took ovah yur dear bf's spot on the highscores. Well she deserves yur spot too. Idc if i seem a little harsh, whenever there's a fight, im always invovled. I always stay strong to the side i support. Im not going to change my opinion, no matter wat. Isha, wat about this bit on yur blog hm? I can even prove its a FAT FAT FAT lie!
1. Yuh block ppl for doing yur wishy deals. One of my friends told me so. Yuh did it to them. If i ever tell yuh their name, yuh will probz remember buh make up some pathetic lie to cover it up...nd 2. Candi doesnt do wishy deals, ever thought of reading her bio?
If yuh cannot read it, click to enlarge. Look at the right-hand corner at the bottom. Wat does it say? Thats right. She dont do wishy deals coz she can only give 10 a day therefore wishy deals are practically impossible. Isha, have yuh not ever layed yur eyes on it? SHEESH! Yuh complain so much about yur feelings, MAYBE YUH SHUD READ YUR OWN BLOG? Have yuh not seen it? Clearly yuh dont re-read yur posts to check if they offend any1. Yuh also said today that Candi brought haters yur way. Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh no (lol Rocky style) Thats wrong. Yuh were the one to bring haters yur way. YUH nd yur blog. Not Candi, nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh no. Nuh uh. Think before yuh speak.
Rosie x
PS: Anything else happens, i'll be blogging all about it.
PS: Anything else happens, i'll be blogging all about it.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
natalia118 IS SO NICE!
She IS! Look wat artbook she made for me <3
Read it all <3 Thanks so much Natalia yur such a nice friend <33
Read it all <3 Thanks so much Natalia yur such a nice friend <33
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Thanks guyss so much
Thanks so much I've been having to deal with this:
Plz check out Lydia74630's blog: LydiaMSP.blogspot.com
Hopefully yuh can read them ..
Girl is girl has been bullying gay ppl, trannies, all sorts.
I want it to stop.
But yeh this has caused me to get so much attention, it makes me feel awkward. I admit that I fancy Agent Cody Banks.
Girl is girl has been bullying gay ppl, trannies, all sorts.
I want it to stop.
But yeh this has caused me to get so much attention, it makes me feel awkward. I admit that I fancy Agent Cody Banks.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Why do ppl judge VIPs? Yeh this guy made a forum saying VIPs are like:
Hopefully yuh can read it
HOW NASTY IS THAT? Not all VIPs are like that :( This made me feel sad
Every1 is equal :'(
Nd ppl agreed with him too :(
Hopefully yuh can read it
HOW NASTY IS THAT? Not all VIPs are like that :( This made me feel sad
Every1 is equal :'(
Nd ppl agreed with him too :(
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Saturday, 23 February 2013
OMG Mawr hate
Just look at this artbook, its a fat lie nd hateful
Hopefully yuh can read it
The user who made it is called cocoshenel1
1st of all, Mega Pixel 102 did NOT lie about that story, coocoshenel did indeed ask her for her rare nd then said that she'll block her nd everything if she does not give it to her. Heres the proof, Mega Pixel 102 emailed it to me, she said shes sorry for the "bad" cropping.
Hopefully yuh can read it
Sorry its out of sink, the pics went out of order so i had to number them
This is wat cocoshenel said to me
She obvz thinks im stupid <3
Then she went nd made that artbook
I am not a bully, i get bullied but i'd never bully any1, coz its mean nd horrible
Hopefully yuh can read it
The user who made it is called cocoshenel1
1st of all, Mega Pixel 102 did NOT lie about that story, coocoshenel did indeed ask her for her rare nd then said that she'll block her nd everything if she does not give it to her. Heres the proof, Mega Pixel 102 emailed it to me, she said shes sorry for the "bad" cropping.

Hopefully yuh can read it
Sorry its out of sink, the pics went out of order so i had to number them
This is wat cocoshenel said to me
She obvz thinks im stupid <3
Then she went nd made that artbook
I am not a bully, i get bullied but i'd never bully any1, coz its mean nd horrible
Hello There
*cough cough* Lets just say nobody's perfect? Yeh that's meh -_- Big nose </3
Btw ella!b says she was sorry to me, heres the messages to PROVE it <3
See, she's sorry ok? <3
Friday, 22 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
I could be the one...
I could be the one to make yuh feel that way
I could be the one to set yuh free
Haha osm song
Pointless point but meeehhh
I could be the one to set yuh free
Haha osm song
Pointless point but meeehhh
Ever hear songs nd jsut LUV EM?
Yesh, me right here, omg I Knew You Were Trouble cant get enough of it luv singing it omggg
Nd Angel With A Shotgun nightcore version omg omg omg haha
Loads of songs i just ADORE
"Well baby, your all that i adore"
Omg listening to I Knew You Were Trouble so ossssssmmmmmmm
Yesh, me right here, omg I Knew You Were Trouble cant get enough of it luv singing it omggg
Nd Angel With A Shotgun nightcore version omg omg omg haha
Loads of songs i just ADORE
"Well baby, your all that i adore"
Omg listening to I Knew You Were Trouble so ossssssmmmmmmm
SO im the bully?
Haha im suppose to be a cyber bully...yet wat she says...omg
Nd idk why on earth she said "say gimmie yur pass" I said no to her, wonder wat she'd say back.
Idk this girl, nd i done nothing to hollyrenee. Yeh holly's blocked meh idk why. This girl is called ella!b if yuh cant see on the picture. Typical ppl <3
Nd idk why on earth she said "say gimmie yur pass" I said no to her, wonder wat she'd say back.
Idk this girl, nd i done nothing to hollyrenee. Yeh holly's blocked meh idk why. This girl is called ella!b if yuh cant see on the picture. Typical ppl <3
The VIP face i want
Luv the eyes <3
Already have the nose haha, i used to have the lips but changed them now i want them backJust look how shmexxi this face is though <3
So wat do ya think? If i come a place in the Valetines comp, then maybe i could buy the eyes nd lips! OMG that'd be so osm. Haha my parents wont buy me VIP ever again. :(
Crush x
Already have the nose haha, i used to have the lips but changed them now i want them backJust look how shmexxi this face is though <3
So wat do ya think? If i come a place in the Valetines comp, then maybe i could buy the eyes nd lips! OMG that'd be so osm. Haha my parents wont buy me VIP ever again. :(
Crush x
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
hollyrenee business
Merp...got some haters because of what hollyrenee put in my guestbook
She admits she dont know me wtf? This is wat some of her friends said:
See how mean they are, i didnt say anything to holly...see what hayhaysmiley put? Since when did i say i was awesomer than holly -_-
Anyways, thanks for yur support <3
Also girl is girl made a forum (bless her) nd support was on there too <3
Crushy out x
She admits she dont know me wtf? This is wat some of her friends said:
See how mean they are, i didnt say anything to holly...see what hayhaysmiley put? Since when did i say i was awesomer than holly -_-
Anyways, thanks for yur support <3
Also girl is girl made a forum (bless her) nd support was on there too <3
Crushy out x
OMG Im so confused?
Before i start, i had my 3rd nd final cervical/ovary cancer jab today. OW!So, lunchtime today...just wth idk wat the heck it meant i just better tell yuh to see if yuh get it?
Let me tell yuh the names of the ppl involved, btw this is true nd it was at skool.People involvedCourtney (me)
Rhoann (bestie)
Yasmin (bestie)
Maddy (bestie)
Amy (bestie)
Katie (bestie)
Martin (Rhoann's bf)
Steven (Martin's bestie)
Matthew (Martin's bestie)
Adian (Matthew's bestie)
Reece (my crush <3 luv yuh babez)
Connor (Reece's bestie)
Adam (Reece's bestie)
Christian (Reece's mate)
Nathan (Reece's mate)
Hanley (Reece's mate)
Ethan (Reece's mate)
Caitlin (girl who thinks shes the best)
Jessica (another girl whose full of herself nd Caitlin's friend)
Yeah... quite a few there, right?
So for the story...Me, Rho, Maddy, Yasmin, Amy, Katie, Martin, Steven, Matthew and Adian were hanging in our usual place, behind the 3D suite. We were chilling, being weird, filming things on Katie's phone, etc etc. Then, Reece nd his mates walk past, and instantly Amy nd Rho nd Yasmin shout "COURTNEY!" because they know i fancy him...so i look nd they look at me so i turn away. We go back to the usual then suddenly Reece and his mates are there, a few shouting mean things at Steven (idk why tho?) nd then some of them go, including Reece, but Adam, Ethan nd Hanley (i think or maybe Connor or Nathan?) stay behind, like they're spying on us or summit. They be mean to Steven so he hides, then they go up to him nd be mean again, so Amy tells Adam "Shuttup and go away!" i stare at Adam then back at Amy nd then at Steven. I wonder if he was waiting for me to say something? But i didnt. No, i cannot let myself say "Shut up" or "go away" to my crush's mates, they might tell him. I think Reece nd his friends know that i fancy him, so maybe thats why they chose today to linger around where me nd co hang around? So yeah, Rhoann said to Adam "just go away". Then Reece nd that come back, chat to Adam nd that, nd i ask Steven "Yuh ok? Wat did they say to yuh?" nd he just was messing around, not letting his feelings get to him i suppose. I went over to Adian nd Matty, asked them nd Matthew said "they werent being mean to us it was to Steven." Then Jessica nd Caitlin came over nd Caitlin yelled at Steven "Why did yuh call m a slag? Im not a slag. Do yuh even know wat a slag is?" Steven replied just some weird things. Then Caitlin asked Katie "AM i a slag?" she said "no" Then Caitlin asked Rhoann the same thing nd Rhoann replied "yes." Caitlin was so shocked, i was a bit, too. Caitlin said "No im not a slag yuh dont even know wat a slag is!" nd Rhoann was something like "Just shut up gobby bitch" by this time, Reece nd his mates had came back over, Adam nd Connor were slowly creeping in on the argument. Then Jessica was like "Rhoann yuh cant talk yuh need to sort yur hair out, love." Rhoann said "I like it like this its the way i have it" Rho's hair is nice, Jess should sort her HEAD out. Maddy said to Jess "Shut up leave her alone jsut go away" nd Jess was like "No yuh little rat! Rhoann is nitty she has nits ew!" Nd Rhoann was like "No i dont have nits! Maybe yuh do." Nd jess was like "No i dont have nits, nitty." Nd Caitlin said "Oh now i know why yuh said im a slag coz we beat yuh in the hockey game yeserday HAHA!" nd i said "Its just a game!" I eyed Reece as i said it. Rhoann replied "No i just dont like yuh coz yuh seam like a slag nd yur dead gobby nd full of it!" Then Yasmin decided to walk off so we all followed nd Jess said "Yeah run off like a baby" we ignored her. Then her nd Caitlin were tots flirting with Adam. Yeah, i felt like crying nd fisting those girls one. Rhoann got upset, nd Jess said (once we were inside skool) "Lets tell Rhoann off for calling yuh a slag haha!" to Caitlin. Rhoann was so pissed off.
Does any1 know why the heck it actually happened? Oh yeh, now Rho nd Yasmin think Reece is a "dickhead" for some reason. Nd Rho could get in trouble...dunno why Reece was hanging around me...etc...any1 know why it happened tho?
Confused.comLol x
Crushyy out
Let me tell yuh the names of the ppl involved, btw this is true nd it was at skool.People involvedCourtney (me)
Rhoann (bestie)
Yasmin (bestie)
Maddy (bestie)
Amy (bestie)
Katie (bestie)
Martin (Rhoann's bf)
Steven (Martin's bestie)
Matthew (Martin's bestie)
Adian (Matthew's bestie)
Reece (my crush <3 luv yuh babez)
Connor (Reece's bestie)
Adam (Reece's bestie)
Christian (Reece's mate)
Nathan (Reece's mate)
Hanley (Reece's mate)
Ethan (Reece's mate)
Caitlin (girl who thinks shes the best)
Jessica (another girl whose full of herself nd Caitlin's friend)
Yeah... quite a few there, right?
So for the story...Me, Rho, Maddy, Yasmin, Amy, Katie, Martin, Steven, Matthew and Adian were hanging in our usual place, behind the 3D suite. We were chilling, being weird, filming things on Katie's phone, etc etc. Then, Reece nd his mates walk past, and instantly Amy nd Rho nd Yasmin shout "COURTNEY!" because they know i fancy him...so i look nd they look at me so i turn away. We go back to the usual then suddenly Reece and his mates are there, a few shouting mean things at Steven (idk why tho?) nd then some of them go, including Reece, but Adam, Ethan nd Hanley (i think or maybe Connor or Nathan?) stay behind, like they're spying on us or summit. They be mean to Steven so he hides, then they go up to him nd be mean again, so Amy tells Adam "Shuttup and go away!" i stare at Adam then back at Amy nd then at Steven. I wonder if he was waiting for me to say something? But i didnt. No, i cannot let myself say "Shut up" or "go away" to my crush's mates, they might tell him. I think Reece nd his friends know that i fancy him, so maybe thats why they chose today to linger around where me nd co hang around? So yeah, Rhoann said to Adam "just go away". Then Reece nd that come back, chat to Adam nd that, nd i ask Steven "Yuh ok? Wat did they say to yuh?" nd he just was messing around, not letting his feelings get to him i suppose. I went over to Adian nd Matty, asked them nd Matthew said "they werent being mean to us it was to Steven." Then Jessica nd Caitlin came over nd Caitlin yelled at Steven "Why did yuh call m a slag? Im not a slag. Do yuh even know wat a slag is?" Steven replied just some weird things. Then Caitlin asked Katie "AM i a slag?" she said "no" Then Caitlin asked Rhoann the same thing nd Rhoann replied "yes." Caitlin was so shocked, i was a bit, too. Caitlin said "No im not a slag yuh dont even know wat a slag is!" nd Rhoann was something like "Just shut up gobby bitch" by this time, Reece nd his mates had came back over, Adam nd Connor were slowly creeping in on the argument. Then Jessica was like "Rhoann yuh cant talk yuh need to sort yur hair out, love." Rhoann said "I like it like this its the way i have it" Rho's hair is nice, Jess should sort her HEAD out. Maddy said to Jess "Shut up leave her alone jsut go away" nd Jess was like "No yuh little rat! Rhoann is nitty she has nits ew!" Nd Rhoann was like "No i dont have nits! Maybe yuh do." Nd jess was like "No i dont have nits, nitty." Nd Caitlin said "Oh now i know why yuh said im a slag coz we beat yuh in the hockey game yeserday HAHA!" nd i said "Its just a game!" I eyed Reece as i said it. Rhoann replied "No i just dont like yuh coz yuh seam like a slag nd yur dead gobby nd full of it!" Then Yasmin decided to walk off so we all followed nd Jess said "Yeah run off like a baby" we ignored her. Then her nd Caitlin were tots flirting with Adam. Yeah, i felt like crying nd fisting those girls one. Rhoann got upset, nd Jess said (once we were inside skool) "Lets tell Rhoann off for calling yuh a slag haha!" to Caitlin. Rhoann was so pissed off.
Does any1 know why the heck it actually happened? Oh yeh, now Rho nd Yasmin think Reece is a "dickhead" for some reason. Nd Rho could get in trouble...dunno why Reece was hanging around me...etc...any1 know why it happened tho?
Confused.comLol x
Crushyy out
Monday, 18 February 2013
If i havent told yuh already, im on the Irish msp as Rosie Angel but i dont go on it much <3
I lurv manga <3 Im currently watching an anime called Ouran Highschool Host Club
Heres a pic i drew, sos it isnt so clear
Rosie xoxo
PS: gunna start putting my real name at the end of my posts which is Courtney-Louise hahaPPS/PSS: Add me on My Candy Love as CandiMae nd add me on IMVU as Crushay. Im saving up for a fury outfit on there x
I lurv manga <3 Im currently watching an anime called Ouran Highschool Host Club
Heres a pic i drew, sos it isnt so clear
Rosie xoxo
PS: gunna start putting my real name at the end of my posts which is Courtney-Louise hahaPPS/PSS: Add me on My Candy Love as CandiMae nd add me on IMVU as Crushay. Im saving up for a fury outfit on there x
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