Friday 19 April 2013

Last night was cool B)

Hello ppl...itsh Rosie.
last night..well was just weird.
I watched Agent Cody Banks new series he gave me my whole wishy nd then some dude called - Aaron - started being mean so we all stuck up for him:

Btw Cody's real name is Aaron..
Anyways, - Aaron - blocked us all buh we all had a really ncie convo on his guestbook:
Me, Cody, princess770, Alizaeh, ilovebling2017, black cherry, nd some others buh forgot their names :o One had Lexy in it...
Still, we learnt alot about each other xx


Sunday 14 April 2013

OMG the biggest fight on msp Yet!

Didn't think Rosie Roo also had questions nd answers? Well um YES I DO! I flippin' do! Omg ive been buzzing since last night to post how i feel about this mega fight! Nd ino wat blog has set this off...buh ino Candired does not like to name that blog so i aint either, buh yuh probz can guess anyways! Im literally buzzing nd steaming, i cud go all Chris Jericho

Isha, see wat yur blog is doing to poor Candired? Btw, before yuh even think about it, Candi didnt blackmail me to do this. No1 can blackmail me, not ever. Im very stubborn. Yuh moan on yur blog about yur feelings, and etc etc, yet, do yuh not think about others? We all have feelings, including Candired. So um yeh. If any1 is wondering wat has upset Candi, poor poor Candi, take a look at some of the things on that blog, huh? Go on. 

Isha, yur jumping to conclusions even before yuh know the truth! 

If yuh cannot read that, click to enlarge. Same with this one: 

The pain and hardship Candi has put yuh thru? Wat about the pain nd hardship yuh've put her thru? Doesnt that not count? Yuh seem to think that yuh are the only thing that matters. Well, yur NOT. We all matter. Tbh, i think yuh probz started on Candi maybe because...she took ovah yur dear bf's spot on the highscores. Well she deserves yur spot too. Idc if i seem a little harsh, whenever there's a fight, im always invovled. I always stay strong to the side i support. Im not going to change my opinion, no matter wat. Isha, wat about this bit on yur blog hm? I can even prove its a FAT FAT FAT lie!

1. Yuh block ppl for doing yur wishy deals. One of my friends told me so. Yuh did it to them. If i ever tell yuh their name, yuh will probz remember buh make up some pathetic lie to cover it up...nd 2. Candi doesnt do wishy deals, ever thought of reading her bio?

If yuh cannot read it, click to enlarge. Look at the right-hand corner at the bottom. Wat does it say? Thats right. She dont do wishy deals coz she can only give 10 a day therefore wishy deals are practically impossible. Isha, have yuh not ever layed yur eyes on it? SHEESH! Yuh complain so much about yur feelings, MAYBE YUH SHUD READ YUR OWN BLOG? Have yuh not seen it? Clearly yuh dont re-read yur posts to check if they offend any1. Yuh also said today that Candi brought haters yur way. Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh no (lol Rocky style) Thats wrong. Yuh were the one to bring haters yur way. YUH nd yur blog. Not Candi, nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh no. Nuh uh. Think before yuh speak.

Rosie x
PS: Anything else happens, i'll be blogging all about it.

Saturday 13 April 2013


The Neon Glow competition is brewing, nd ive worked really hard on my comp movie! One of my close friends has also worked hard on her comp movie! Idk if my sis is...buh still itsh a tough tough tough comp x

Plz read the arty >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Saturday 9 March 2013

Thanks guyss so much

Thanks so much I've been having to deal with this:

Hopefully yuh can read them ..
Girl is girl has been bullying gay ppl, trannies, all sorts.
I want it to stop.
But yeh this has caused me to get so much attention, it makes me feel awkward. I admit that I fancy Agent Cody Banks.

Plz check out Lydia74630's blog:

Friday 1 March 2013


Why do ppl judge VIPs? Yeh this guy made a forum saying VIPs are like:

Hopefully yuh can read it
HOW NASTY IS THAT? Not all VIPs are like that :( This made me feel sad
Every1 is equal :'(
Nd ppl agreed with him too :(
